Saturday 22 October 2016

A Begging Letter from Donald Trump

Donald Trump, the Stumpy-Fingered Satsuma, has always relied on blarney and bluster to get his way. In the Age of Information, where lies are easily spread and just as easily debunked, he’s realising that charisma and taking your electorate for complete idiots is no longer enough to win an election. That’s a problem when you are, in essence, marketing yourself. Trump has few recognisable policies and those he does have are patently unworkable, e.g.:
Crooked Hillary promised 200k jobs in NY and FAILED. We'll create 25M jobs when I'm president, and I will DELIVER!
There are only 7.8 million unemployed in the US. There is also no evidence of illegal behaviour by Clinton. There is evidence of financial and other forms of illegal misconduct by Trump, as anyone who has been following the news cannot fail to be aware.

There is … Continue reading

The post A Begging Letter from Donald Trump by Jay H first appeared on Plague of Mice.