Thursday 27 August 2015

Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds - The New York Times

WASHINGTON — Planned Parenthood on Thursday gave congressional leaders and a committee that is investigating allegations of criminality at its clinics an analysis it commissioned concluding that “manipulation” of undercover videos by abortion opponents make those recordings unreliable for any official inquiry.

"A thorough review of these videos in consultation with qualified experts found that they do not present a complete or accurate record of the events they purport to depict," said the analysis of a private research company...

Read the full report: Undercover Planned Parenthood Videos Were Altered, Analysis Finds - The New York Times.

Of course, this won't stop the hysterical anti-abortion lobby, whose entire strategy is based on lies, emotion and bullying, rather than science. It's bad enough that even medically necessary abortions can't be covered by State funds, because bigotry. The ultimate aim of the campaign is in any case to deny reproductive health care to the poor, especially poor women.

Monday 24 August 2015

Anti-Abortion Group Admits to Falsifying Latest Video

Anti-abortion extremists who are releasing heavily edited, deceptive videos about Planned Parenthood have acknowledged that their latest video included false and misleading information. They posted a clarification to their YouTube page yesterday that an image they suggested was from an abortion was actually a photo of a stillborn fetus...

Read the full exposé here: Anti-Abortion Group Admits to Falsifying Latest Video