Friday 14 July 2017

Listening to America Survey

So, this arrived in my inbox this week. As President Putt-shot is away from the WH, on real business for once, this may be signed by him, but it has sod-all to do with him. It's his GOP mafia using his mailing-lists to try to find new ways to bamboozle his (now assumed to be their) voters. And, of course, distract them from the increasingly damaging revelations about collusion with Russia, attempts to extract sensitive data from states in order to carry out mass voter suppression, the ongoing effort to destroy healthcare for the poor and vulnerable in order to give tax breaks to the rich, Trump family corruption, etc. There's a lot of etc.

Yes, it's offensive. Yes, it perpetuates the "us and them" myth, essentially telling the uneducated, uninformed bigots  they assume they're targeting, that people with different opinions either don't exist or - worse - don't deserve to.

So, dear American readers, I suggest you take the survey and freep their fat white male asses. NOW.

Politicians have spent too much time bickering and not enough time listening. So today we’re turning off that awful, blistering noise of Washington.

Instead, I want to hear from YOU.

I want to hear from the American heartland -- the REAL America that lives outside of the DC-media fantasy world.

With our six-month mark approaching, I want you to take the Listening to America Survey to tell me the true sentiments, concerns, and interests of REAL America.

The mainstream media and Hollywood dominate the airwaves and drown out the voices of the real hardworking Americans who make our country run.

They love to tell you how you feel. Enough!

The only person that can speak for you is YOU.

Just like on the campaign, I always like to go directly to the people. I asked our supporters to help prepare for our three big debates against Hillary. I asked what issues we should address. I asked for help creating our platform. And I take our message straight to you through emails and social media.

So please take this moment to turn off the very loud noise of Washington and take the Listening to America Survey before our 6-month mark approaches.

Thank you,
President Trump Signature Headshot
Donald J. Trump

Don't forget to pass the info on to as many people as possible.

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