Wednesday 22 June 2016

Vote Remain… in protest at the EU referendum | Lee Turnpenny

I’ve long thought that putting such a choice to a referendum is not the way. That’s not to claim any foresighted sagacity on my part. It’s just that I’m a voter in a country that elects its politicians to sort this out for us. The fact that we are currently governed by a bunch we can’t trust to be fair rankles for sure. But a referendum is not the occasion to cast a protest vote. We pay our elected politicians to manage this. That is what they are there for. Because most of us are not sufficiently savvy on the issues; there is too much to consider; too many subject areas in which we are unqualified and inexperienced, our nous compromised. We are – to use the term in the non-pejorative sense – too ignorant to make a properly informed decision... [Read more... ]